Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Turangi Electricity Network Reform Group - Petition Update

The petition raised by the Turangi Electricity Network Reform Group (TENRG) in the 3rd quarter of 2014, seeking an inquiry into The Lines Company charging methods, was presented to Parliament with 2,400 signatures on 28 October 2014.  Video link  http://www.inthehouse.co.nz/video/34556

Parliament referred the petition to the Commerce Committee who invited the principal  petitioner to make a written submission in support of the Petition.

A submission was prepared and sent to the Commerce Committee on 3 December 2014 and at the next meeting of the Committee, held on 12 February 2015, the submission was tabled and released.    The submission can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/submission-from-mcnab-and-2400

The TENRG encourages individual petitioners and others with concerns or issues with The Lines Company to request the Commerce Committee through the Clerk and the Chair, whose contact details are provided below, to hold a public hearing into the matter as soon as possible. 

Edward Siebert, 
Clerk of the Commerce Committee
Bowen House
Parliament Buildings

and to Melissa Lee, Chair, Commerce Committee,

and to local MP Louise.Upston and the affected Ministers (Energy and Commerce) Simon.Bridges and Paul.Goldsmith - all @parliament.govt.nz