
Here are some links that you may find interesting or useful. I will probably update this page from time to time.

Media stories:
TV3 Story (see 2nd segment) from 30 June 2016.
NZ Herald article from 28 June 2016
Fair Go follow-up piece from 12 October 2011.
Fair Go story from 20 April 2011.
The morning promo for the Fair Go story (above).
Half hour segment on National Radio from 12 April 2011.
Waikato Times (Stuff) article from 29 Jan 2011.
Campbell Live story from 1 October 2010.
NBR story on Deloitte Energy Sector award winners including TLC.

TLC's own site - currently you can look under the "News" section (click on "news" to the left) to get to the option allowing you to check your new (2011) demand/kW load for the standard method and compare it to that predicted or measured by the proposed new method outlined in the Sapere Report.

The Ruapehu District Council and King Country Electric Power Trust jointly commissioned the NZ Institute of Economic Research to conduct a review - the press release and report  was released to the public on 2 June 2011. Several other related press releases are available from the RDC website here.

The Electricity Authority replaced the Electricity Commission in November 2010. They have a good overview of the industry that you may want to read. You may also want to access their Central Dataset if you want to get down to nitty gritty historical details and data.

The national grid is run by Transpower. You can see some near real-time data through the "System Operator" site. Move your mouse over the map of NZ to get data for different areas.

The Transmission Pricing Methodology (TPM) is the set of rules and formulae used to determine how much Transpower charge lines companies like TLC to connect to and receive electricity from the national grid.

The WITS "Free To Air" site (provided by NZX) provides a lot of detailed and up to date information - also down to half hour level. WITS stands for Wholesale Information and Trading System and provides support for trading in the wholesale electricity market.

The Commerce Commission has a big part to play in attempting to regulate various industries including lines companies.

Some related legislation & regulations:
Electricity Act 1992
Electricity Industry Act 2010
Electricity Regulations 2004 (Low Fixed Charge Tariff Option for Domestic Consumers)

Jennifer Anderson's paper about effect of demand pricing on load in Ohakune. (The first eight pages comprise a TLC submission referring to the paper so skip past those to get to the paper itself.)